
I wanted to create this blog to keep friends, family, and my supporters up to date on all of the things that happen throughout my year. Check in and see what I am up to!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Official Photo Shoot!

Going to my official photo shoot was awesome! I traveled to Massachusetts with my parents to meet up with the rest of the queens. Neil transformed me with beautiful hair and gorgeous make-up. It felt great to be in that type of setting, and I couldn't wait to put on some of my gowns and pose for the camera. Between shots I got to talk with Lacey, Ashley, Brooke, Alyssa, and Nydelis and it was fun to have everyone together for the first time.

I took photos for my autograph cards ( soon to come!) and photos for the website. At the end of the day, we were also able to get some great group shots
with all six Clemente girls.

Right when the shoot was done, we were swept off to a wonderful dinner with our directors, Laurie and Anthony Clemente. They treated us like royalty and I had an amazing time getting to know them, my sister queens, and their families. I left that meal thinking, "Wow, how can this be happening to me?" I am still on cloud nine, and I am so thankful to have been given this opportunity. I am optimistic that this is going to be the
best year of my life, and I can only imagine what tomorrow will bring! : )

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