
I wanted to create this blog to keep friends, family, and my supporters up to date on all of the things that happen throughout my year. Check in and see what I am up to!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Barre Here I come!

My first appearance that I did in my town was the Barre Veteran's Day Parade. I was thrilled to have the chance to do something in my home town to show all of my supporters my gratitude. I met some really great people and had a fun time with my Dad. He was a great sport and tagged along with me. My Dad and I don't get to spend a lot of time together where it is just the two of us, so it meant a lot to me that he proudly drove me in the hometown parade. After the parade was finished the people in my community met in the center of down town and Veteran's delivered speeches of their experiences in war and shared memories of the friends they lost. This appearance made me realize that there is so much that I should be thankful for in my life. I am healthy, have the love and support of my family, and everyone is safe. Where I come from has always been important to me, and I know that I will always have a home here in Barre, no matter where life takes me. Regards, Shelby.

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