
I wanted to create this blog to keep friends, family, and my supporters up to date on all of the things that happen throughout my year. Check in and see what I am up to!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Off to Welcome My Miss Mass Sister Queens

One the things I was most excited about at the beginning of my reign was meeting the girls I would be spending my year with. Attending Miss Massachusetts USA with Nydelis was a great kick off to the year. When I arrived at their rehearsals, I could see the ladies were ready for competition. Some girls were stressing out, and I felt for them. I was in the same seats they were in just a few weeks before and I know what it is like to want something so bad. I took a moment to tell the contestants vying for the title to embrace the experience and take it for what it was. I think it helped some of the ladies to know that it had taken me four years to win the title, and that even if it wasn't their year, persistence would pay off if they kept coming back to compete.

On the opening night of the show, I could feel my heart begin to race as the very song that I had won to began to play. As the girls stormed the stage I think I was just as nervous as I had been when I was competing! I could not wait to meet my new sister queens, so by Sunday night I was so excited to see what the outcome would be. I can honestly say that I could not be happier with my Mass sister queens. Lacey and Brooke are talented women and I am so proud to be in the USA Class of 2010 with them!

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