
I wanted to create this blog to keep friends, family, and my supporters up to date on all of the things that happen throughout my year. Check in and see what I am up to!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Miss Connecticut USA

At the end of November it was time to go to Miss Connecticut USA to meet the last two ladies who would become part of the Clemente family, and become my sister queens. I could not wait to find out who was going to win, and I had my bags packed a week early because I was so excited for the weekend. Throughout the weekend I was able to get to know the contes
tants and knew from the beginning that it was going to be a tough competition!

I was so exciting to be rooming with Nydelis again because we always make our time together something to remember. I also started getting to know Mass Teen, Brooke, and we hit it off from the start! After only spending a few hours together we were finishing each others sentences and laughing together like we had known each other for years. It felt great to have been blessed with sister queens that I loved spending time with.

During the night of crowning I was nervous, but excited for all of the girls. You could tell they all had put in the time and really wanted the title. I knew that only two could win, but I also knew that each and every girl wanted to walk away with the crown. I've always believed that you will win some and lose some, but a true test of your character comes when you can go up to the girl who has just placed ahead of you and give her a "congratulations" from the heart. I've been in that position before and I know that it can be hard. In the end though, hard work and dedication pay off and the girls who walk away with the crowns set out on a new journey that will change their lives forever.

As the music began to boom and the contestants c
ame out on the stage for opening number I was in heaven. I could remember the feeling of being on stage, ready to see what the the competition would bring. After all of the phases of competition and the call of top 5, I was ecstatic because I knew I would soon be finding out who I would be spending my year with.
I was thrilled when Alyssa won. I was literally jumping up and down because I love her! I had competed with her in the past and we had connected from the first time we met. I knew from the moment she won that we were going to enjoy out year together! Soon, the Miss winner was being called. When Ashley won I knew the Clemente family was finally perfect! I could not be more proud of the Connecticut girls and I am excited to be in the USA Class
of 2010 with them as well!I had an amazing weekend with all of my sisters and I know that I will never have to carry out this new journey I am on alone!

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