
I wanted to create this blog to keep friends, family, and my supporters up to date on all of the things that happen throughout my year. Check in and see what I am up to!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Make A Wish Recognition Dinner

Last Thursday my Mom, Dad, and I went to the Essex Resort and Spa for a Make A Wish dinner where sponsors would be recognized for their donations to the foundation. My father was being recognized for his contributions, so I decided this was my opportunity to support him for his accomplishments as he has always supported me with mine. As his name was called I clapped excitedly and was so proud of him! One of the most rewarding parts of the evening was watching a slide show of all of the wishes that had been granted throughout the year with the help of all of the people sitting in the room with me. I was blown away by the generosity of all of these kind people. As the slide show went on I was reminded of how lucky I am to have my health. It is one thing that many people take for granted, but I know that you have nothing without it. I was so proud of my father and the other contributors because they all made a difference in the life of a sick child. I commend Make A Wish for their efforts in bringing light into the lives a children who are suffering. While viewing the slide, seeing the smiles on the faces of the children who werereceiving their wishes was by far the most amazing thing that I saw throughout the evening.

I was also happy to be at this event because it introduced me to the many opportunities there are to become involved in Make A Wish. Although my family has been involved with the organization, I would like to become involved on a more personal level. I hope to be doing more events and volunteering with them in the near future!

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